Discussion Group

You are invited to a group study of “Align and Refine: The Journey of Yoga and Meditation.

Purchase the book here.

Please sign up here to join a PRIVATE Facebook group to discuss the book.

Join Cindy’s email list to receive information on the book discussion here.

The structure may evolve as we go, but here’s the current plan:

A ~weekly/bi-weekly/monthly (TBD) email will include:
– the chapter(s) assigned for that period
– assignment of related original source teachings to read for those who desire a deep dive (from the texts cited in the book and anything else that might strike me – see Appendix IV of book for recommendations of translations). This is completely optional, and directed to the geeks in the group (you know who you are). Or you can simply read the book.
– perhaps some additional thoughts and/or queries.

Discussion will occur via:
– our private Facebook group. I may also post some additional stuff there as appropriate (and you can too).
– zoom call around the time we complete each of the nine “Parts” of the book.

This is quite a bit of work on my part, so you can support my work/time investment to the degree you can with a suggested donation (~year) of $108. You can pay as you go (e.g., $10/mo), or a lump sum. You can send a check or use paypal to my email address. Pay any amount and it is fine if you don’t pay (really!).

Looking forward to engaging with you soon.